Thursday, November 13, 2008

Leader mania

Tuesday was a HUGE night for Tech Young Life!!! Kathy Queen has been going to the leader training all semester. On Sunday night, interviews were held. Although all of the leaders were amazing, we had our eye on 3 that we thought would be perfect for Tech. However, we had no input into the decision. So, Tuesday night was leader placement. Of the 14 leaders that went through training, Tech was blessed with 3! AND they were the exact 3 we had been hoping for!!! How awesome is God?

The night was super crazy! We met at the Nikcevich house and it was covered with string. It looked like an enormous spider web all over their house. Each leader started with a piece of yarn and had to follow it up and down stairs and all over the house. Then they ended up at the team they had been placed on!

Here are the leaders on their quest to find their team!

The Tech team anxiously awaiting our leaders! (Jason, Rob, JC, and Sara --- Kathy was taking the photo)

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